А вот и третий платочек из озвученных здесь подоспел. У него непростая история: во время запаривания (процесс закрепления красителя на шелке) что-то пошло не так... Это был один из первых платочков, который я запаривала самостоятельно. В общем, краска потекла и образовался развод, который зафиксировался на ткани. Пришлось искать выход из сложившейся ситуации, к счастью батик позволяет исправить подобные казусы, а не выбрасывать шелк. Платочки с такой непростой судьбой - не продаются. Они могут остаться у меня, или я их отдаю даром=))
The third scarf from named here has come! It has a difficult story: when it was steaming (process of fixing dye) something went wrong... It was one of the firsts scarfs had steamed by me. The dye flowed and some stains had formed. So I needed to decide what to do with this problem. I didn't want to throw out silk. I had found the means how to correct the scarf. I painted it once more. I don't sell Scarfs with such difficult fate. I give away it or just leave it in my wardrobe=))
А вот собственно и он - такой непростой, но от этого не менее яркий и выразительный!
That's scarf on the pics! With such difficult fate, but it isn't less bright and expressive!
The third scarf from named here has come! It has a difficult story: when it was steaming (process of fixing dye) something went wrong... It was one of the firsts scarfs had steamed by me. The dye flowed and some stains had formed. So I needed to decide what to do with this problem. I didn't want to throw out silk. I had found the means how to correct the scarf. I painted it once more. I don't sell Scarfs with such difficult fate. I give away it or just leave it in my wardrobe=))
А вот собственно и он - такой непростой, но от этого не менее яркий и выразительный!
That's scarf on the pics! With such difficult fate, but it isn't less bright and expressive!
Ткань - натуральный шелк - Туаль. Размер 84*84 см.
Фотограф: Ирина Скулина
Восхитительнейшая вещь!!!!
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